Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Introduction to the new me...

Why I changed my Life...

People tell me that “ I need to get my life together” and when  I tell them I am “ getting my life together” they want to throw up how “bad” my life has been and all of the poor choices I have made. Does this sound familiar to you? 

On Sunday October 7th , 2012 I made a commitment to change my life and never look back. I spoke with a good friend of mine who gave me some very influential speakers to listen to and told me that their teachings could “change my life”. I was at a point in my life where it seemed like I was in a never ending cycle of bad choices and failure. It seemed like any and everything I did never worked, my family was split up and worst of all I felt “ Stuck”, I felt like I was at rock bottom, however, when I began to indulge my self in the teachings of these motivational speakers and life coaches, I began to realize things about myself, I began to uncover some of my deepest hurts and deal with them. I began to understand that, I was where I was in life “ Because of me”. This of course was a hard pill to swallow because I had went so long making other people and situations the blame for why I wasn’t where I needed to be in life. I did this for so long that my life had LITERALLY become a living manifestation of my self pitty, again, a hard pill to swallow but when you want to do better you have to realize these things. I had come to understand that I could no longer wallow in my own fears and doubts of myself, I had to make a “concious” change before I could make a physical change. My wife and kids depended on it. They say nothing is more powerful than a made up mind, and my mind is made up “ NO MORE”, I deserve better than this! I am better than this! And I will make it!.. My family had lost faith in me because “ They’ve heard this story” time and time before” , what could possibley envoke “TRUE” change this time? Why should we believe you?..which brings me to “ WHY” my change is true and “WHY” I am going to make it this time:

First and foremost ,I know my change is true because I am out of the business of pleasing others and letting their opinions of me dictate my reality. I understand the importance of doing it for “ ME” and not because of some false expectation of others. I understood this when I took responsibility of MY OWN ACTIONS. I know that my change is true, because I confess it with my heart and not just my mouth. People say “ well you just can’t change overnight”, well I say you can change in a matter of minutes, People who experienced  hurricane Katrina had to “ change” in the blink of an eye, no warning, just change. When a person changes there are no bells and whistles or a cheering crowd to let you know that they’ve changed, that comes when you see the blessings of the change, but in the beginning, it is a lot of hard work on that persons  personal growth and development and their mental .They must change themselves from the inside out ,before you ever see any results from the change. You will see small progressive changes until eventually, that person has done a whole 360! But It starts in the mind first, an outsider looking in would never understand this process unless he himself is a product of positive personal change.People have this negative notion that when someone changes it’s supposed to be this “DRASTIC and DRAMATIC” manifestation like in the movies or on TV, but let me tell you this,  unless the change is forced and the person has no other choice ( like that of hurricane Katrina), then change is a progressive process. But if the change is voluntary and the person is making the change for themselves, the only way you can truly know is by their actions and the fact that they told you, that’s all you get. And even actions are difficult given their “ Immediate circumstance”. Just because someone decides to change their life today doesn’t mean they will have a house, car and job by tomorrow. We are still governed by the laws of LIFE, the only difference is we  now have a different perspective on life, we are now in a state of belief and not disbelief.We believe that it is possible now and we can now work towards getting out of your mess. I can sit down an soak up knowledge all day from great motivational leaders and coaches, but one thing that is taught across the board is “ WHY?”, why do you want to change?  What will ensure you that if you get “ stuck” again, that your whole life won’t just end up the same way? What will keep you pushing no matter how hard it gets?Because if your Why is strong enough you will surely make it.
My why is very simple, “ to improve the quality of life for me,my family and others”. I am doing it because I sat and listened to a group of older people say that “MY” generation was never going to amount to anything because we had no “ VALUE”.. I am doing this because I know what It is like to have lots of gifts and talents and still not be anywhere in life.. I am doing this because I tried to commit suicide and It didn’t work, apparently I have a purpose…I know what it is like to stand in front of the mirror in a mental health facility and tell yourself “ I Love myself” and you just tried taking your own life.. I am doing it because I have a beautiful wife and kids and when I look at them I see a group of people that really need me.. I am doing it because I have little girls that love me.. I am doing it for my unborn child.. I am doing it for every person that has been told that they can’t do it, but has a heart to do better but doesn’t know how.. I am doing it because my faily deserves more than this life can give them.. I am doing this for me.. So if anyone ask me“Why”, I will respond with “ Why not?”. God has a plan for my life and that has been confirmed to me my whole life, through my mother and complete strangers. I am destined for greatness, and I am gonna make it. I am a leader and a powerful man of God, and when God is finished with me, everyone will look at me and say “ Wow,He was serious”, and I will smile and respond “  I’ve just gotten started, for eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the greatness that is yet to come”.

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