Wednesday, July 3, 2013


by Liisa Kyle, Ph.D. on 01/18/2012
Are you feeling frazzled?  Stressed out?  Overwhelmed?  You’re probably trying to do too much.
If you want to do more, do less.
It doesn’t matter how massive or complicated your creative project is.  At a given instant, you can only focus on one aspect of it.
It doesn’t matter how many projects, activities and ideas you are juggling.  At a given instant, you can only do one thing.
“Oh no, not me,” you may insist.  “I’m a multi-tasker.  Right now, while I’m reading this, I’m also composing a song, thinking about a terrific new product line and texting my mom.”
No, you’re not. You may be toggling among those different activities every second…but at a given instant you are doing only one of them.  And by toggling so quickly among them, you’re not doing any of them particularly well.
Frankly, you’re being unnecessarily hard on yourself. It’s much easier to focus on one thing at a time.  And here’s the good news:  when you stop trying to do everything at the same instant — when you focus on just one activity at a time, you will get more done, more easily, with less stress.
Let me repeat that — on the off chance you’re, say, Skyping a client, weaving a tapestry and watching a DVD while you’re reading this.
Benefits of Focusing on One Thing at a Time
1.  It’s easy.
2.  You’ll get more done.
3.  You’ll get things done more easily.
4.  You’ll reduce stress.
5.  You’ll feel better.
6.  You’ll be more pleasant to be around.
How to Focus
1.  Identify and remove distractions
What interrupts your focus?  Be candid. Is it email?  The phone? Internet surfing?  The piles of half done projects piled around you?  Your ‘to do’ list(s)?  TwitterFacebook? Flipboard or Zite or Angry Birds or any of the other 10,000 apps on your iPad?  Other people?
Take a moment to write down what tends to interfere with you sticking to one thing at time.  Now, brainstorm ways to remove or reduce those temptations. Schedule time at the end of your workday to do those things that need to be done (e.g. check your email, return phone calls, etc.)
2.  Pick something to do. 
What’s your top priority right now?
3.  Set a timer for 50 minutes.
Devote the next 50 minutes to doing only your top priority.  If something else comes us — let’s say you get a great idea, make note of it quickly, then get right back to the task at hand.
4.  Give yourself a break.
Take five or ten minutes to do whatever you need to do — rest, eat, jump up and down, stretch, feed your pet, stuff a load of laundry in the washer, read, listen to a great song — whatever.
5.  Reset your timer.
Focus on your top priority for another fifty minutes.  This might be the same task you were working on in the previous focus session — or it might be a new priority.  You choose what makes sense for you do work on for this next fifty minutes.
6.  Take a break.
7.  Repeat. 
Try this “Focus” approach this week and see how it works for you.
What about you?  What helps you focus?  What benefits do you notice when you stop multi-tasking and concentrate on one thing at a time?

Are you struggling with too many talents, skills, ideas? You may have The DaVinci Dilemma™! Find tools, fun quizzes, coaching, inspiration and solutions for multi-talented people at .

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bright, shiny objects and new ideas — Four ways to break your habit


by Lisa Rothstein on 08/17/2010
candy storeAs Da Vincis , we’re constantly losing focus and distracting ourselves chasing new ideas, usually our own. Hey, I could start a business designing bags made from all these recycled beer cans! Paint pet portraits! And that story I saw on the news would make a great movie! It’s not just the new ideas we find irresistible, but simply the fact that they’re new.
This tendency leaves us especially vulnerable to the lure of new information, especially that which regards our talents and new ways to use them or make money from them. The latest book or self-help program is as seductive as a new sports car with a box of Godiva on the dashboard and a hottie in the passenger seat.  There is so much teaching going on on the internet, and so many information products being hawked, that lifelong learners and new-idea-addicts –as most DaVincis are –are like kids in a candy store 24/7. So all that information languishes on our hard drives and gathers dust in the form of “shelf-help”. We are like shopaholics with bursting closets who still hit the mall every time there’s a sale.
My particular addiction (besides every personal development product out there) these days is new business ideas. I must own 100+ domain names; I rush over to Godaddy every time I have a brainstorm and stake my claim. Because it’s so easy and fast and cheap to build a website on WordPress now, and because I can whip out a logo and copy quickly, I sometimes get an idea in the morning and – POOF! — a new website sprouts out of nothing by the afternoon! And now I need to know about every new widget and plug-in and…wait, what about the businesses and projects I’ve already got going?
New is not always better. New can be simply neutral. And sometimes new should be avoided like the plague. Like when it entices you away from a project you’ve committed to. Or when it simply adds more overload and confusion to an already full-to-bursting schedule. Worse, it can end up being an excuse for procrastination that only looks like useful activity, or on a growing list of “shoulds”, fueling guilt and anxiety. Some of us don’t need any help in any of those departments!
If you are a new-idea-addict and it’s getting in the way of what you really want to to with your talents, here are four ways to break the cycle:

1. Unsubscribe.

You know all those mailing lists you joined because you wanted the free report, where you now get 14 emails a week directing you to the latest program you can purchase to learn yet another new thing? Unsubscribe from as many as you can that don’t add direct value to your life right now, or that simply exist to sell you more stuff. You will unclutter your inbox and remove the temptation to buy “just one more thing”.

2. Ask yourself if this is information you can use right now.

I just heard a genius thought on a call with coach Bill Baren — if you were to go shopping for fresh food right now and bought enough for three months, most of it would spoil before you could ever consume it. Compare that to information. When it “gets lost” on your computer until you forget why you acquired it in the first place, that’s kinda rotten.  When you buy a program or product that’s supposed to tell you how to make money from your book tour but you don’t even have an idea for your book yet, I call that “premature information.” No wonder it isn’t very satisfying.   The idea that you will “need it someday” is like buying a sequined evening gown when you live in a shack at the beach and have nowhere to go. Wait until you get invited to the Oscars or to dinner at the White House; then you can go shopping. And you can be sure that what you get will still be current and fresh.

3. Remember there’s always more where that came from.

This is closely related to the above. Sometimes we hoard information because we’re afraid we’ll be missing out on a one-time-only opportunity. In case you didn’t notice, that’s the oldest sales tactic in the book, but we still fall for it. If you still mourn not buying the latest, greatest program or passing on attending that seminar, remember it really isn’t the last one. Oh, the sales letter will make it seem like you’ll lose your shot at a once-in-a-lifetime experience forever, but you know from experience that that isn’t true. The same or similar stuff — or an even better version –will be on offer later on. Convince yourself to wait. Information these days isn’t a train you’re going to miss, it’s a river that’s constantly flowing by your door for you to dip your bucket into when you need to. A new book is published and a new guru is born every minute. If you still want something you passed up next time it comes around, there will be time then to reconsider. Remember that it will be much more valuable when you can actually appreciate and implement it.

4. “Shop your closet.”

Every so often, a ladies’ magazine will run a feature about shopping your closet. Meaning, go through what you’ve already got with new eyes, and try it on for size. A lot of what you’ve already acquired or thought up will be new or almost new to you. You may have totally forgotten that you already have 8 pairs of black pants, and as many how-to courses and books on the same topic, as well as a file bursting with new ideas you’ve had over the years. And you may find that everything you need to start that business or help you with that creative project has been sitting on your shelf all along. Trust me, this activity offers hours (days?) of entertainment, and it will demonstrate to you in a tangible way that you probably don’t need to add more knowledge or new ideas to your life right now.
Activity: Take a day to enroll yourself in “new idea rehab”.
  1. Eliminate temptation. Go through your email inbox and delete and unsubscribe from any emails that sell too much or don’t offer value you can use right now. You can always get back on those lists later.
  2. Since you’re already at your computer, examine your hard drive for downloads and ebooks you may not have opened or read. Create a new folder (and subfolders if necessary) for these and put it where you can easily access it.
  3. Now hit your shelves and actually count how many books you have that you have not read. If you think you will never read them, donate them. Same goes for educational programs. If you have not implemented, will you? Maybe a friend who can’t afford to buy it and who isn’t an info-junkie would put it to better use.
  4. If, as you’re perusing your treasure trove, you have some bright new ideas for projects, businesses or new activities to add someday to what you’re doing (and you probably will) be prepared to park them somewhere. Keep a running list or start a someday/maybe file as described in Getting Things Done by David Allen, to refer back to later. Don’t let new ideas sidetrack you right now.
What about you? Are you a new-idea, information or education junkie? What are your tips for handling it? Please share your thoughts.

Are you struggling with too many talents, skills, ideas? You may have The DaVinci Dilemma™! Find tools, fun quizzes, coaching, inspiration and solutions for multi-talented people at

Monday, April 1, 2013

Controll your tounge

* MONDAY THOUGHTS*When the tongue is well controlled and wisely subdued; when selfish impulses and unworthy thoughts no longer rush to the tongue demanding utterance; when the speech has become harmless, pure, gracious, gentle, and purposeful, and no word is uttered but in sincerity and truth-then are the five steps in virtuous speech accomplished, then is the second great lesson in Truth learned and mastered. Make pure thy heart, and thou wilt make thy life Rich, sweet and beautiful.

Friday, March 29, 2013


*FRIDAY MOTIVATION* STOP SETTLING FOR BEING AVERAGE and GOOD! You were born GREAT, not average! Greatness is attracted to you, It doesn't
matter where you are in life right now, You are powerful beyond measure! The
greatness inside of you, the gifts inside of you, the talent inside of you can't be
measured! You are just that Great! You have the power to change ANY situation the moment you make it up in your mind to do so.. You are Greatness manifested in the flesh.. SO HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF AND ACT LIKE IT! # Pressplay

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Excerpt from "Higher conscious living"

°THURSDAY THOUGHTS °There can be no progress, no achievement, without sacrifice, and a man’s worldly success will be in the measure that he sacrifices his confused animal thoughts and fixes his mind on the development of his plans, and the strengthening of his resolution and self-reliance. And the higher he lifts his thoughts, the more manly, upright, and righteous he becomes, the greater will be his success, the more blessed and enduring will be his achievements.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Secret

*THURSDAY MOTIVATION* The secret to success is very simple.. Man becomes what he thinks about; this concept is so simple that our minds over complicate it. When a man understands that all he needs is a Purpose, Faith and the understanding that only God himself can work out how man will reach his destination in life, then and only then will man live out his divine assignment and enjoy a life of abundance, pure love and spiritual bliss. #Pressplay

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Excerpt from: "As a man thinketh"

In all human affairs there are efforts, and there are results, and the strength of the effort is the measure of the result. Chance is not. Gifts, powers, material, intellectual, and spiritual possessions are the fruits of effort; they are thoughts completed, objects accomplished, visions realized.The Vision that you glorify in your mind, the Ideals that you enthrone in your heart-this you will build your life by, this you will become. - As a man thinketh


* Tuesday Motivation* You can't get sided tracked by  your current situation. Your purpose  is greater, your destiney is much bigger than where you are right now. We were all given a vision to fulfill in our hearts, you were given divine purpose before you were born. If what you SEE right now is not what you SAW in your vision and dreams, then what you SEE right now is only temporary. # Pressplay

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday pickup

*FRIDAY PICKUP* You can do this, you've come too far to start doubting, you've come too far to start worrying about things out of your control. Stay focused, because your focus is your sanity. Talk to yourself, sometimes the conversation you have with yourself will be the most motivational and uplifting conversation you ever have! Remember this, out of all of the people that can kill your hopes, dreams and vision with negativity please don't let YOURSELF be one of those people. Sometimes you have to rebuke your own thoughts! Stay positive and KNOW EVERYTHING will work itself out! Happy Friday Everyone! #Pressplay

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


* NEVER get so caught up, that you can not take the time out to help others, because life has a friend and she goes by the name of KARMA. God firbid the day you need someone to take time out and time isnt available. Remember, your blessings are tied to the people you help not always the work you do. #Pressplay

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Simply Amazing...

*MONDAY MORNING REVELATION* The more I get into the works of God, the more he amazes me. I've e come to understand that God is a very strategic planner, he does everything for a very specific purpose. God will let things happen in your life ( good or bad) just to bring you to where he wants you. God will let  you go from A to Z or go A thru Z, whichever you choose Gods plans will still prevail.  God has already equipped  you with a blueprint and a guide just to fulfill purpose. The blueprint are your dreams and visions and the guide is the spirit God has placed in you. If you want to make it in life, learn to become very strategic in everything you do and Gods plans will show you your purpose in life. #pressplay #xthemotivator

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lemme drop some knowledge on ya..

***LISTEN ****Nothing is ever
created before it's purpose is established. Your birth
is evidence that God had already finished something
and needed someone to start it..( Pay attention, I
might teach you something).. . Vision is purpose in
pictures.. If you can envision it, you can have it,
Period! You were born with vision, your were born
with purpose. Purpose is what made you necessary.
If you feel like what you see is too big for you to
achieve, grow yourself until you become the person
that can! # Pressplay

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

You deserve it too!

*LETS NOT GET IT TWISTED! *People that are massively successful and have lots of wealth; bleed the same blood, have the same amount of time, and experience the same things you do. They don't deserve it more than you, they aren't any better than you... they are not governed by a different God than you..  The DIFFERNCE IS the discipline, time management and mindset one has to make things happen even when they don't feel like it doing it.  #PRESSPLAY #YOUCANHAVEITTOO

Monday, February 11, 2013

Don't Stop Believing!!!

°MONDAY MOTIVATION° Sometimes we get discouraged when things don't go the way we planned and it's  ok to get discouraged at times as it is a part of the process, but NEVER stop believing, NEVER stop dreaming, and NEVER loose sight of your vision! When you get discouraged and want to give up is when you call on a power higher than yourself and hold onto your promises. There is nothing more powerful than a made up mind! Even when there is no evidence to point to, even when you are dead broke, even when it seems like all odds are againist you, KEEP BELIEVING! Don't try to figure out HOW ( that is how we get stuck), figure out WHAT and everything else will work itself out. Belive it in your mind and internalize it in your heart and it will come to pass. #Pressplay #Xthemotivator

Monday, February 4, 2013

Say Yes!!!

Say YES to your future, say YES to your success and say YES to your life of wealth and abundance. It doesnt matter what anyone says, it doesnt matter what your situation looks like, it doesnt matter if you dont have a DIME in the bank... if you want it go get it....period! You have the mark of greatness upon you, if you dont believe it I will believe it for you until you do. Disrupt the negativity in your mind and "press play" to your life. #Pressplay #Xthemotivator

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


It is not what a person tells you that kills your dreams,hopes and visions, it is what you tell yourself after the person stops talking. Never let someones opinion of you become your reality. #Liveabovenegativity #ThemindofX

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Your Divine Right...

° LISTEN UP AND CATCH THIS!!!° The only limitations, shortcomings or barriers you have to achieving the divine greatness and success that is in you, is in you. Every question and answer, problem and solution is already inside of you. You were designed to self fulfil. Your purpose was given before you were conceived. The architect designs a structure  and gives it purpose before it is ever created. A properly designed structure has everything it needs to stand againist harsh elements and the test of time. God never makes mistakes, meaning YOU are a perfectly buildt structure composed of everything you will need to live the abundant joyous life you dream and think about. The life you want was given to you before you were created, thats why you want it, By divine  right it already belongs to you. God wouldnt have given you this life if you weren't strong enough to live it, so live life and take what was promised to you. * Xthemotivator

Thursday, January 24, 2013


* THURSDAY MOTIVATION* " STOP WORRYING!" It is impossible to give a situation or circumstance over to God when your negative thoughts of doubt, fear and uncertainty are still tied to the problem. When you decide to let go of a problem, do just that and LET IT GO! Stop holding your situations and problems hostage! WHATEVER will happen in any given situation will happen with or without your worries. Worrying only serves as  entertainment to the person worrying about it and the people they decide to worry in the process. If you think about it, worrying never actually SOLVES anything, it might make you think but it is certainty not a solution to fix anything. The moment you speak victory over a situation and believe it in your mind to be true WITHOUT ANY DOUBT OR UNCERTAINTY , your success over any obstacle in your life will INSTANTLY  manifest itself in the form of complete peace of mind and clarity. This is the best state of mind to make any decision. #ThetimelesswisdomofX

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Spiritual breakthrough

* My spiritual breakthrough* I experienced one of the most beautiful feelings in the world today. I consciously allowed myself to be lead by the spirit in everything that I did, from how I conducted business to what I spoke out of my mouth to others. The actual feeling of being led by God without any worries or doubts and fully trusting in him brings on a sense of euphoria. I never realized how much mental weight I carried around until I gave it all to God and let the spirit guide me, not only was my faith boosted, but my beliefs in myself and abilities felt unreal. Total belief in God has a feeling to it, like living on edge and not knowing what moves to take, but knowing whatever move you make will be the right one. Unbelievable. I had to share that. #spiritual growth

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Motivation

"Set a goal so big that you can't achieve it until you grow into the person than can"... #Mondaymotivation

Friday, January 11, 2013

Redefine the grind...

If you aren't  where you want to be in life, I have 3 words for you: Redefine the grind! Its 2013, everything you want, everything you need and deserve, everything you hoped for WILL happen for you this year, But you gotta be on the grind this year. You gotta want it and you gotta know that you can\ will have it. Like I said before " This is the year to break self imposed limitations!" This may sound cheesy but, WHATEVER your mind can concieve and believe, YOU surley can achieve it! Its already yours in 2013, I am believing it for you. Your hard work WILL pay off! Lets get from good to Great! #Takeoff2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


REAL LIFE WISDOM: Never get upset when you loose a job. Most people become disgruntled and depressed about how they will make a living or get by when they become unemployed.THIS IS TRUE KNOWLEDGE IF YOU WILL TAKE IT : " The money you made on your job was the incentive, the skills and experience  yo
gained while on your job is what was more important". We tend to place an enormous value on things that are not as important (money)and devalue the things that are 'mmost important ( development). The ability to learn and grow are essential to human living, whether you have a job or not. Remember this, Money is the byproduct of success, success is not the byproduct of money. #Boom!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


*****SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT****"  NOTHING IS EVER A POSSIBILITY UNTIL YOU MAKE IT ONE". This is the wisdom I received while talking to my wife. ( I love being me lol). I don't think we as humans understand the power of making something an option in our lives. Whether good or bad, making something a possibility or an option, brings LIFE to something that doesnt exisit yet, but has the ability to manifest itself through your thoughts. If you never made failure an option, to fail would be impossible.. ( sit back and think about that!) Note to wise: if you do not want something to be an option or possibility in your life...dont make  it one. You have the choice to do that. #Mythoughts

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Redirect for 2013

God/Life has a funny way of redirecting you to where you are actually supposed to be in life. Sometimes we plan to be in one place, only to find out that where WE wanted to be was never the destination in the first place. It is when we open ourselves to understanding that we are pawns in Gods game of chess and he moves us EVERYWHERE for a particular reason, you will see sooner than letter your looking at life saying CHECK MATE! Boom! #2013 wisdom