Did you know that one of the greatest gifts God ever gave man was the ability to Imagine? Imagination can literally take you from a place of negativity and doubt to a place of euphoria and success.Most people don't realize the true power of imagination and vision. When you create a circumstance in your mind that is different than the one you currently in, you alter your current circumstance and placed yourself in a new one, very simple. Now I know your saying, well if it was that easy why would anyone ever be in a unfavorable circumstance?
Easy, because most people see the big picture but miss the process that it takes to get to the big picture. Most of us are willing to get something for nothing if we could and for this reason, is why we can have a vision and not do what it takes to obtain the vision. The moment you saw yourself in a situation other than the one you are in, was the same moment that you created a new reality for yourself. See, when we imagine we see that nice car, big house and happy relationship and if it is vivid enough we can almost experience the actual feelings of really having it! I am here to tell you that you already had it the moment you thought of it, it was yours!
Most people tend to forget that our subconscious mind does not know the difference between something that really happened and something that is just taking place in our mind, it just knows the feelings and emotions attached certain experiences, So in your mind it's all real! So if you've already imagined it, now all your job is to do is to make your imagination physical and tangible.
How do you do that you ask? By working in a state of absolute certainty and "KNOWING", and that what you imagined or envisioned is in fact real and will happen. You can manifest change by simply thinking it.
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