MY CLOSING THOUGHTS FOR 2012: 2012 has been a year of CHANGE and POSITIONING, many people have experienced dramatic changes in their lives this year, while others have worked hard to see dramatic change happen. Just know that ALL of your hard work will pay off in 2013. 2012 was the year of sowing and 2013 is the year to Reap. If you did not sow or position yourself in 2012, dont expect a return in 2013, but for those that did sow and position themselves , expect a harvest in a MASS abundance. This will be the year you STOP holding yourself back! This will be the year you break the chains of " Self imposed limitations"...2012 is where the road to lack ends. You don't have to wait to make a new years resolution, tell yourself " 2013 was a great year for me and I am already working on 2014!" No more wishful thinking, just results... All you have to do is figure out the WHAT, and let GOD and the universe figure out the HOW. Live your vision in 2013, peace and blessings Tre aka X the Motivator.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Your mind is like fertile land
The only limitations placed on you are those that you impose on yourself. Your mind is like fertile land, it will grow whatever you plant. Its job is not to distinguish what to grow, but yet what to harvest. Feed your mind positivity and worthwhile goals and your harvest shall return as such, feed your mind negativity, fear & doubt and you will recieve that in just as much of an abundance as you would if you planted a positive seed. #Youreapwhatyousow
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Born with a stamp of greatness
You were born on purpose for a purpose! Out of 150 racing sperm, YOU were the fastest, YOU were the smartest,YOU were the greatest...YOU were a leader, born with a stamp of greatness on you from conception. Its not about what you are going through, its not about what you have been through. What its about is where you are going from here. As long as you wake up to see another day it is another day to see your purpose and vision fulfilled.. You were born GREAT!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Be humble
A real leader has the ability to humble himself amongst the common people, because the leader himself was once a common person. You might be at the bottom, but you will always make it out on top.Humility is one of the greatest traits of a leader, stay humble and watch your vision come to pass.You were born to be great! #Haveagreatweekend
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Open yourself to your purpose
Life has a funny way of orchestrating things, sometimes you may be in a certain place at a certain time and not know why. You may look at your surroundings or situation and say " This isn't me at all, what is going on?", Just know that EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, and if you are open enough, your purpose for being anywhere at anytime will be shown to you. Remember, your life happend on purpose and it is up to you to put together the pieces and create your story. #Createyourlife
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Emotions and Feelings
Emotions and feelings are some of the most powerful forces you will ever face in life, they drive actions and determine motives. NEVER act out of emotions, as they are only TEMPORARY feelings. Learn to master your emotions so you can always make wise decisions and sound judgement. God gave man dominion over the earth not man. You may NEVER be able to control how others react but you will ALWAYS be able to control how YOU react. #Midweekwisdom
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Face Yourself
Sometimes YOU can be your own worst enemy...Holding on to the past, judging yourself and how others view you... YOU can be so critical of yourself, that you can actually begin to make problems and circumstances for yourself that do not even exsist, but you believe whats in your mind because its alot easier than blaming yourself ( OUCH), it may hurt but it is the truth. It is really wasy to blame people or situations for our circumstances, but is that really the case? Who's life is it, yours or someone elses? There are no double occupancy caskets.. Take full responsiblity for where you are right now and understand you are the driver of your life. A great women once said " Make yourself as a pen in Gods hand and write another chapter in your life", You were made to be Great. *Peace and Blessings* X The Motivator
Monday, December 17, 2012
FAITH takes the friction out of living...
They say FAITH is the oil that takes the friction out of living. Your current situation may be taking you on the ride of your life right now. You may not know what to do or where to turn, but it is in moments as these that you rely soley on your faith, and KNOW that your a child of the most high and that " This too shall pass". I strongly believe that God will sometimes let us feel overwhelmed and stressed out on purpose, just so we can break down and realize that the problems we face were not ours in the first place. Stop trying to take your problems hostage, and let them go. #Giveitup #staymotivated
Friday, December 14, 2012
Life Lessons
Learned a very valuable life lesson.. If you never ask, the answer will ALWAYS be NO!.. (to you and whatever you want). Your blessing will not always fall in your lap, sometimes God will make you get up and go get your blessing just to humble your heart and do away with pride. #Askanditwillbegiven
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Be confident!
So today I was thinking about what my inspirational post of the day would be and while I was watching my morning motivational videos "Confidence" came up, so to whoever this may benefit I have some great words of advice for that person that needs to build confidence. 1. Stop comparing yourself to other people! This is probably one of the biggest "Confidence Crushers" in the world,God created you to be THE BEST AND ONLY YOU that ever lived. How can you leave your footprint on the world when you are stepping in someone elses? Be you, there is only one. 2. Stop beating yourself up over WORDS. Its never what someone says about you that kills your confidence, its what YOU tell yourself after they stop talking. Live the old saying " sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS will never harm me". Remember, True confidence comes when you understand that there is only ONE you and you will ALWAYS be perfect at being yourself. You will always have an abundance of confidence because you will never have anyone to compare yourself to. #ItsThursday!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Like the bird...
I just saw something that made me think. It was a Bird in the middle of the street thay could not fly because its wing was broken. The bird was exposed to fast moving cars, people that could trample it and even worst the possibility of death becaue it could not get off the ground. This touched me because we as humans much like the bird were born to fly too. When we fly we can see our goals and where we want to be clearly making it much easier to reach our destination, but when we are down and our wings are broken we are open to the vicious attacks of life that if not handled correctly can lead to death. The great part to this story is there is only one place to go when your down and thats up. Fly high, stay motivated and know that your breakthrough is coming soon.
Discipline is essential. ...
All successful people posses one essential characteristic trait... DISCIPLINE.. You will never make it far without developing this trait. Discipline is so important because it trains our concious and subconscious minds to develop good or bad habits. A great philosopher once said " Its a misconception that rich,wealthy and extremely successful people dont have the same problems as someone that isnt successful, the difference is: Rich,wealthy and extremely successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful people aren't willing to do." Remember, if it doesnt kill you it makes you stronger. You might not want to now, but the reward in the end will be worth it. #LifeLessons
Monday, December 10, 2012
Happy Monday!
It is a new week and a new YOU! What happened last week is in the past, continue to strive towards your goals, dreams and visions. The year isnt over yet, you still have time. You are getting closer and closer to your breakthrough, you can almost feel it, so STAY FOCUSED AND OWN YOUR BLESSING, ITS YOURS! #Happymonday!
Friday, December 7, 2012
The Missing Link
The missing link between you, success and greatness is one simple thing: " Beliving in yourself, your abilities and KNOWING that what GOD has for you is already yours." Its that simple...
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
It is already you...
Just had a DEEP revelation, Yall gotta catch this...Sometimes we look at our life, where we are and our current circumstances and say " I will never be that, until I am like this.." and based on your current situation you would believe that, but the truth is, you are ALREADY THAT PERSON. When you reach success the person doesnt change, the circumstances and character do. THE PERSON YOU SEE YOURSELF TO BE IN THE FUTURE IS THE YOU RIGHT NOW!#Renewyourmind
Monday, December 3, 2012
Moving ahead in life sometimes requires tough decisions, but know this, There is nothing more powerful than a made up mind... persue your goals relentlessly and tell yourself , you will make it BY ANY MEANS NESICARY! And by simply adopting this mindset you will see massive changes in your circumstances. #Grindmode